ManDyngo, Inc. is an online herbal emporium of continental African aphrodisiac and erotogenic herbs, both common herbs and rare, exotic herbs. Our herbs are sourced from the African continent in general, the countries of Ghana, Sudan, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and South Africa in particular.
Africa possesses the most potent and effective herbal aphrodisiacs on the planet for both men and women.
Our products helps with all adverse conditions of the male and female reproductive system, including but not limited to: low libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), impotence, female frigidity, low sperm count, vaginal dryness, premature ejaculation, and male sterility.
Our formulas and stand alone herbs along with modified lifestyle
and diet can help in the following areas:
Boosting testosterone levels
Countering spermatorrhea
Increasing endurance
Promoting virility
Countering premature ejaculation
Enhancing ovulation (in women)
Increasing mating performance
Tightening of the vagina (in women)
Increasing sexual prowess during sexual intercourse
Tightening of the vagina (in women)
Enhancing and maximizing hang-time of the penis
Enhancing spermatogenesis
Enhancing male potency
Increasing sexual vigor
Promoting virility
Enhancing fecundity (in women)
Improving erection frequency
Prolonging ejaculatory latency
Influencing androgen metabolism (in men)
Countering involuntary seminal emissions
Countering PDE-5 inhibitors
Enhancing male potency
Improving libido
Increasing stamina
Countering orgasmic dysfunction
Enhancing fertility (in females)
Improving erection frequency
Prolonging ejaculatory latency
Promoting vaginal lubrication (in women)
Decreasing hesitation time of noncopulatory males
We use both common and rare/exotic African aphrodisiac and erotogenic herbs such as Yohimbe Bark (King of the Aphrodisiacs), Pygeum Bark, Mondia white, Fadogia Agrestic, Turrea Heterophylla (also known as Gouro); Mpesu, Bangalala, Typha Capensis, Bulbine Natalensis, Massularia Acuminata, Caesalpinia Benthamiana, Desert Date Palm, Voacanga, Xylopia, Akpi Seed, Uziza, Gorantula, and Kigelia (Sausage Tree).
We make it easy for men and women in the West to have access to many rare and exotic Eastern/African herbs and at economical prices.
ManDyngo is your one stop and shop for your sexual reproductive health needs.
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