ManDyngo's Caribbean Honey Elixir is a one of a kind, exclusive product containing the best Caribbean male specific herbs that fine tune the male sexual reproductive system and may help to boost libido, increase androgen and T levels, counteract erectile dysfunction and improve erection, increase stamina and endurance, boost energy levels; improve sexual performance, enhance male potency, counteract premature ejaculation, improves erection frequency, and promotes virility.
Contains No Alcohol. Non-Vegan (honey base)
Directions: Take one teaspoon daily or use as needed (take 5-10 minutes before intercourse).
Ingredients: Orange Blossom honey, Alkaline water; All Man Strength root, Anise seed, Bissy nut, Breadnut Tree bark, Brial Wiss root, Capadulla bark, Chaney root, Cinammon bark, Cloves, Cocky Wiss root, Devil Doer (Dobrodua) bark, Four Vine bark, Ginger root, Granny Backbone root, Jamaican Sarsaparilla root, Lemongrass leaf, Licorice root, Locust bark, Mauby bark, Medina bark, Milk Wiss root, Nerve Wiss root, Nutmeg, Orange peel, Panty Borer bark, Puron bark, Ra-Moon leaf, and Strongback bark and leaf.
4 ounce glass bottle.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.